Dogsbody is proud to announce StatusPile
What is StatusPile? Simply put – it’s your status page of status pages. Most service providers have some kind of status page. When something goes wrong, you have to visit all providers, to find out where the issue lies. With StatusPile you need to visit just one place to see all statuses at-a-glance. Login via […]
Tripwire – How and Why
Open Source Tripwire is a powerful tool to have access to. Tripwire is used by the MOD to monitor systems. The tool is based on code contributed by Tripwire – a company that provide security products and solutions. If you need to ensure the integrity of your filesystem Tripwire could be the perfect tool for […]
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) is: an open source software foundation dedicated to making cloud native computing universal and sustainable They do this by hosting and “incubating” projects they see as valuable, helping them to develop and reach maturity, where they can be used widely in cloud environments. CNCF has over 350 members including […]
5 things you need to know when working with big logs
With everything being logged the logs on a busy server can get very big and very noisy. The bigger your logs the harder it is to extract the information you want, therefore it is essential to have a number of analytics techniques up your sleeve. In the case of an outage logs are indispensable to […]
Password Managers: What, How & Why?
So its 2019 and the new years resolution are on hold; Veganuary is over and Marie Kondo is helping us declutter our servers lifes. We expect a few new website and apps have caught your attention and you’ve created an account using a unique strong 12+ character password. Right? Unfortunately data breaches are as prevalent […]
What are Status Pages?
A status pages allows a supplier of a service to let their customers know about outages and issues with their service. They can be used to show planned maintenance and can hook into e-mail or other update methods but typically they are a website firstly. Status pages are great; they make things easier for everyone […]