How will the Ubuntu 14.04 EOL affect me?

On April 2019, Ubuntu 14.04 reaches end of life (EOL). We recommend that you update to Ubuntu 18.04. Over time technology and security evolves, new bugs are fixed and new threats prevented, so in order to maintain a secure infrastructure it is important to keep all software and systems up to date. Operating systems are […]

Vim tips

Welcome Chris Gray

Dogsbody Technology are passionate about Apprenticeships, providing a new career opportunity to people and promoting an alternative to University for those leaving college. Chris Gray is Dogsbody Technology’s latest (and 6th) Linux Systems Apprentice to join our team. Previously working in the service industry. Chris joins us having networked his entire house. He also helps […]

PHP 5.6 will go end of life on 31 Dec 2018

Quick Public Safety Announcement, PHP 5.6 goes end of life (EOL) on the 31 December 2018.  This means that known security flaws will no longer be being fixed so any sites you have running on it will become vulnerable, hence it is important you update them to a newer version. We recommend updating to the […]

Alternative Map for WordPress

On 11th June 2018 Google made a massive change to its Google Maps API that has now broken a lot of websites that contain maps. Whilst you can fix this by getting a Google Maps API key and giving them a mandatory credit card to charge you if you go above their free band, a […]

EMF Camp 2018 – A Field Full of Nerds

From the 31st of August – 2nd September 2018, Dogsbody Technology attended Electromagnetic Field, in the grounds of Eastnor Castle Deer Park, in Herefordshire. It was a fun packed weekend, with talks and workshops on a huge variety of subjects, from blacksmithing to knitting, soldering to giant walking hexapods! How was it? The whole weekend was […]

Root email notifications with postfix

Now that Ubuntu 18.04 is out and stable, we are busy building servers to the latest and greatest. One of the most important parts of new servers builds is root notifications. This is a common way for the server to contact you if anything goes wrong. Postfix is a popular piece of email software, alternatively […]