Dogsbody Technology and Adapt Digital take on Great Strides 65
Employees from Dogsbody Technology and Adapt Digital are dusting off their walking boots for The Cystic Fibrosis Trust and taking part in the Great Strides 65 South – Surrey Hills – A 40-mile team walking challenge through Surrey countryside taking in such delights as the North Downs Way, Greensand Way, Devil’s Punchbowl and St Martha’s Hill. We […]
Quick/Easy Wins For Your Server
There are three main stages in a servers lifetime; building/configuring, usage, and being decommissioned, with the usage section usually being by far the largest section in terms of time. For this reason, it’s obviously important to make sure that the server is optimally configured, secure and able to be reproduced/replaced easily in the event of […]
Switching a site from HTTP to HTTPS
We love HTTPS and with its Security, Speed, SEO and Accessibility you should upgrade now! Having helped customers through this process many times we have learnt a thing or two about how to make the process go smoothly. So here is our … 4 step HTTPS upgrade guide 1) Get a certificate You can […]
Your website on the Tor network
We are very proud to announce a unique service which enables any website to have a presence on the Tor network. Hosting a website on the Tor network has previously been very challenging, requiring changes to both infrastructure and the site itself. Dogsbody Technology Ltd. are now offering a turn-key solution to this problem, allowing […]
Welcome Jim Carter
We are very happy to announce the expansion of Dogsbody Technology with the addition of Jim Carter. Jim is Dogsbody Technology’s 5th Linux Systems Apprentice and comes with a lot of passion for maths and learning. Having started studying physics at university Jim decided a Linux Apprenticeship was more for him. He is one of […]
National Apprenticeship Week 2017
We are passionate about apprenticeships at Dogsbody Technology. It is safe to say that without apprenticeships we would not be the company we are today. This week (6-10 Mar 2017) is National Apprenticeship Week 2017 and it seems only fitting to tell you our story. To use the relevant hashtag, we are literally #madebyapprentices […]