See you at Electromagnetic Field 2016
This weekend the Dogsbody Technology Team are packing up their tents and laptops and heading to Loseley Park, Guildford for Electromagnetic Field 2016. Don’t know what Electromagnetic Field is – here is a description from their website: Electromagnetic Field is a non-profit UK camping festival for those with an inquisitive mind or an interest in […]
17th Annual SysAdmin Day – 29 July 2016
Today is the 17th Annual System Administrator Appreciation Day – SysAdmin Day for short. The day is to give thanks to the hardworking skilled men and women who you rarely see but keep your business servers secure, up and working day and night 24/7 365 days a year. These are the people who at 3am […]
HashGate: An intrusion detection tool
HashGate is a simple intrusion detection tool we wrote for use internally and in customer environments to monitor files and alert us on any unauthorised changes to them. We try very hard not to re-invent the wheel and are already big users of tools such as Tripwire and Rookit Hunter but we wanted something lightweight […]
PHP 5.5 support will stop on the 10 July 2016
Quick Public Safety Announcement, PHP 5.5 is end of life (EOL) on the 10 July 2016. Anything not running PHP version 5.6 or newer exposes your site to significant security vulnerabilities. We have ensured that all our customers are safe and ready. Unsure if you are affected? Want a hand upgrading? Get in touch! […]
Alerts & Webhooks with AWS Lambda
Here at Dogsbody Technology we monitor servers and services for hundreds of clients, you may have read our previous blog post talking about our Warboard and how we make use of it. This blog post covers the other tools we use for responding to incidents and issues real time, our Dogsbody Technology Webhooks. The main […]
Let’s Encrypt: Security Everywhere
Let’s Encrypt is a new Certificate Authority (CA) who are making waves in the web community. They have lowered the access barrier for SSL certificates significantly and are pushing their competition to improve; fast. “A Certificate Authority is an entity that validates other digital certificates… …Creating a Chain of Trust between a website and the […]